Austin Homebrew Blog

How To Pick A Brew Pot
The brew kettle, sometimes called a brew pot, is one of the handfuls of truly essential pieces of homebrewing equipment. Austin Homebrew has high-quality 304 stainless steel brew pots and boil kettles ready to complete your homebrew set-up.

AHS Beer Recipe Instruction Sheets!
Austin Homebrew Supply is proud to present full access to over 3000 recipe instruction sheets on our website.

AHS Recipe Kits
This week’s knowledge segment from Austin Homebrew Supply covers the different versions of our house and clone recipes, special requests, and some plans for the future of these recipes. As many of you already know AHS offers more than 1200 standard house and clone recipes in three different versions: Extract, Mini-Mash and All Grain. They are designed to be consistent from version to version, but we still get some questions that are important to address.

Purchasing Liquid Yeast In The Summer
There is always a lot of talk about liquid yeast dying or not being as viable after shipping in the summer months. I want to start this conversation by pointing out that White Labs and Wyeast are very good at their jobs. I have been brewing since 1991 and have never had a dead pack of liquid yeast. I still prefer liquid yeast over dry yeast for the wide array of strains available. Just some food for thought when deciding if you can still order liquid yeast in the heat of summer.

How To Find A Clone Recipe
Austin Homebrew is the leader in Homebrew Recipes. With hundreds of recipes to choose from, we developed an easy way to search our massive database. Read our "How To Find A Clone Brew" to find the clone that is right for you!