AHS Double Chocolate Stout (13D) - ALL GRAIN Homebrew Ingredient Kit

Item Number: BE1-R02072-4

Sale price$38.99


Click Here To Access Recipe Instruction Sheet

This smooth, rich and creamy stout is similar in style to Young's Double Chocolate Stout.

Specialty malts: Crystal 40L, chocolate malt, black roasted barley, Black Patent
Featured hops: Galena
Other additives: malto dextrin, Belgian cocoa

O.G. = 1.056
F.G. = 1.012
Approximately 5.8% ABV
Approximately 187 Cal / 12 oz
Makes 5 US gallons

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Customer Reviews

Based on 50 reviews
Old Site Reviewer
Classic Review

This is one of the best we have ever made and the most difficult to leave alone. This is a good second brew to keep around the recommended 2 -3 months to fully appreciate what this divine mixture can become. You also will be asked to make if for your friends all the time. We have learned to keep this one to ourselves and savor it in our home.

Old Site Reviewer
Classic Review

Though I expected the chocolate flavor to be a little more prominent, this beer was absolutely fantastic. Hands down the best recipe I've ever gotten my aforementioned hands on. This is the only beer I've ever considered keeping on tap year round.

Old Site Reviewer
Classic Review

I have made this mini-mash kit a couple times and agree with everyone else about the smooth and balanced flavors. Last time I added a pound of coffee malt to the recipe and after it aged for 2-3 months it was another wonderful beer. I'm not a coffee drinker (except coffee mocha) but the flavors in this beer are subtle and wonderful, unless you have a really sensitive palate which my wife seems to have since she does not like this beer.

Old Site Reviewer
Classic Review

Absolutely loved this one, and definitely the best kit beer I've made. The chocolate flavor developed a little more over time, and was really there at about 3 months. Next time I will be adding more chocolate to it, but that is just for personal preference (it is great as is).

Old Site Reviewer
Classic Review

Follow the advice of others. Let this beer age at least 3 months. If you are patient you will be rewarded with an outstanding stout. One of the best beers I have ever made.

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